Flower City Outreach is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of members from different church backgrounds and vocational expertise. The Board exists to provide oversight, governance, and administrative leadership for Flower City Outreach and its ministries.

Ryan T. Smith – Chairman & Secretary
Ryan T. Smith has served on the Board since 2015 and also served as Flower City Outreach’s Executive Director from 2015-2020. Smith specializes in leading non-profit organizations, serving as the Executive Director of the Spirit of Blue Foundation, a national public charity focused on enhancing the safety of police officers, Executive Director of Sportsmen Organized for Law Enforcement and the founder and Executive Director of Rose City Work Camp in Portland, Oregon. He resides in Wilsonville, OR with his wife and children and worships at Beaverton Foursquare Church.

Jonathan Sigmon – Chaplain
Jonathan Sigmon has served on the FCO board since 2015. After seeing so much fruit in student’s lives at Flower City Work Camp (FCWC) with the youth group he led, Jonathan also volunteered for several years as the Ministry Director of FCWC. Jonathan loves the local church and currently serves full time as Executive Pastor at Calvary Assembly in Chili, NY, where he and his family have been since 2009. Jonathan also is a Certified Financial Coach, helping individuals and couples find financial freedom. If the pastoral vocation doesn’t work out, Jonathan plans to play basketball in the NBA.

Josh Eisenhart – Director
Josh Eisenhart has served on the Board since 2015, and has been volunteering and on the Flower City Work Camp Leadership Team since 2003. Josh works at Browncroft Community Church as the Visual Story Director, but prior to that worked at BCC In the Student Ministry Department for 17 years! Having a firsthand view of the impact that Flower City Work Camp had on his students and the city has helped grow his passion for FCO. In another universe, Josh is a big time film director/writer. In this universe, he lives in Penfield with his amazing wife and two kids that he is constantly in awe of!

Gary Heydens – Director
Gary Heydens is an account executive at McKee Foods Corporate, makers of Little Debbie snacks, as well as having served on the Flower City Outreach Board of Directors since 2015. He originated the idea for Link Youth Mentorship and spearheaded its launch in 2022 under the umbrella of Flower City Outreach. Gary and his wife, Joanne, have three grown daughters and four grandchildren, live in Penfield, NY and worship at Calvary Assembly of God where he also serves as an Elder.

Dr. Barbara JP Thomas – Director
Dr. Barbara Thomas joined the Board in 2018. She currently serves as the President/CEO of RFMission (Rochester Family Mission) and Rochester Bible Institute (RocBible) as been in those for over two decades. After graduating from Northeastern Semily in 2006, she founded Victorious Living Christian Life Center and Victorious Living Church in 2007. Dr. Thomas is a faithful servant of Christ at Victorious Living Church where she serves on the leadership team, pastoral care, discipleship and women’s ministry. Dr. Thomas is also the wife of Michael Thomas, together have four children and thirteen grandchildren and they reside in Chili, NY.

Joe Vetromile – Director
Joe Vetromile joined the Board in 2022 and has served with Flower City Work camp as a worksite leader for decades. Joe had spent his 39 career years at Xerox, working as an engineer design manager before retiring. He also served previously on boards of two local churches and as an elder. Joe and his wife, who now spend a majority of their time sharing life with their children and grandchildren, reside in Rochester, NY and worship at Browncroft Community Church.

Mike McOrmond – Executive Director
Mike McOrmond founded Flower City Work Camp (FCWC) in 1985 and led it in the early years before moving on to other ministry opportunities. He later rejoined the organization as a charter member of the Flower City Outreach Board of Directors when the organization incorporated in 2015. He served as the Board Chairman for three years before stepping into the paid professional role of Executive Director in 2020. Mike has been ministering for the past 40 plus years in the region in both pastoral and traditional marketplace roles. He is married to his college sweetheart, Tammy, whom he met at Houghton College and they are blessed with seven children, one daughter-in-law, and three grandchildren. All seven of their children have attended FCWC as campers. Mike resides in Penfield, NY with his wife and worships at Grace Road Church.